Years ago, Sokka’s father left with the tribe’s other men to join the war effort against the Fire Nation. He's silly, demanding, and irresponsible at the beginning of the series. During the eclipse, the invasion advanced steadily toward the innermost Caldera City, with Aang even reaching the Fire Nation Royal Palace. We first even learn about Sokka's fate in the series sequel, The Legend of Korra (which you can watch on Amazon Prime, YouTube, and Google Play), when Katara says that he's passed away. 8.5k votes, 24 comments. Sokka is one of the main protagonists of Nickeledeon's animated television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender. During the Siege of the North, Sokka proved vital in the defense of the city, instructing an elite group of Water Tribe warriors how to infiltrate the Fire Nation ships, even though he himself was not allowed to participate in the fight. Among many things, Sokka and his friends helped students of a Fire Nation school to learn how to have fun and how to express one self; helped the impoverished villagers of Jang Hui, which was being polluted from a nearby Fire Nation Army factory; helped to sanitize the Jang Hui River; and imprisoned Hama the bloodbender. The two friends were soon shushed by Katara who did want to pay attention. Toph rushed toward them, bending a rock at the man and realized the building was collapsing. Upon learning that Pakku had started a school for waterbenders, Sokka offered to provide his so-called "motivational bending". [11] His skills as a fighter noticeably improved as the team's quest continued, although it was usually his persistence rather than skill that allowed him to land a blow against opponents of superior skill, such as Zuko[10] and Ty Lee. Much to his children's relief, Hakoda regains consciousness. Being close to an exit, Sokka managed to exit the mine in time, supporting Niyok, who had broken her arm in the process. All were traits that went beyond mere skills and what defined a great swordsman. He "stamped his identity" on a page by applying ink to his face and rolling it across the paper after he was informed that he got a little of it on him while thinking. Sokka was able to dodge Kahchi's attack, though the weapon destroyed one of the mine's support beams, causing the entire cave to collapse. Nevertheless, he accompanied Aang, Toph, Katara, and three Air Acolytes, Xing Ying, Yee-Li, and Jingbo toward a cliff overlooking the ocean where they would commence the celebration of Yangchen's Festival by bowing to a stone statue. [57][59] Sokka became a master swordsman, and a great warrior like his father. However, his hubris got the best of him, and he was viciously thrown out for accidentally adding an extra syllable to the end of a haiku, where he subsequently renounced his short-lived love for poetry. [37] In another instance, Sokka used trickery and optical illusions to help his sister Katara fake the ability to earthbend. Tags. As the son of Chief Hakoda, apprentice of Master Piandao, and best friend of Avatar Aang, Sokka has a big and important future ahead of him... at least back home. Sokka, Katara, and Aang caught up with the two firebenders at a nearby river, right when they were about to fight one another. Sokka initially agreed and helped Fong in his endeavor, but the general achieved only the destruction of his own fort. He could become serious when he desired to or when the need arose and was protective of his sister, Katara. Growing up as part of a minor tribe that lived in the remains of the Southern Water Tribe's ruined capital, Sokka was raised from a young age to be a warrior and possessed much knowledge of Water Tribe weapons and tactics. [37][38] He took his responsibility as protector seriously. [32], Sometime after 128 AG, Sokka became a chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe. When Earth King Kuei was later abducted by Gilak's forces and supposed to be traded for Hakoda, Sokka made clever use of chain-mail armor to thwart Gilak's chi blockers during the exchange at the Bridge of No Return. This was shown when he violently tackled Aang to the ground after Aang accidentally burned Katara's hands. Sokka's face changed from the beginning to the end of the series. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The Water Tribe warrior continued to mock the Avatar's expression, only to be stopped when Katara waterbent a snowball to his face. After the firebender deflected his blow on his chest plate and tried to blast him with fire, Sokka switched tactics and ran away. Sokka later comforted her at Kya's grave, and both seemed to have softened in their views. Sokka was the son of Kya and Chief Hakoda. Aang suddenly had a gruesome expression on his face, caused by the presence of a spirit, causing Sokka to exclaim that it was already by enough that they had one passenger who stared "with crazy eyes" at them, referring to Azula who had a minor psychotic breakdown moments before. Katara and Sokka run away from Gilak in the hideout under the shipwreck. However, when he was freed eventually, he had given up neither meat nor sarcasm. Sokka was an underdog. This action ultimately resulted in Combustion Man's demise, something that the combined efforts of all his friends failed to do. [53], Perhaps the biggest growth and change in Sokka during his participation in the Hundred Year War was his learning to accept people of the Fire Nation, learning that no nation was entirely good or bad, meaning that he should not blame the people of the nation, but rather its ruler. However, he continued to uphold that the Southern Reconstruction Project was beneficial for their home and that she should adapt to the post-war era.[30]. Avatar: Last Airbender and Dragon Age crossover fanfiction archive with over 5 stories. Along with her older brother Sokka, Katara was raised by her grandmother Kanna at the Southern Water Tribe, which depleted greatly due to the effects of the Hundred Year War. Will Light put the non-bender in his place? Next up, Team Avatar stopped on Kyoshi Island, where Sokka met Suki, with whom he at first had difficult relations, because of his more conservative views. Series: Avatar: The Legend of Korra & Avatar: The Last Airbender Furthermore, both Suki and Yue are written as "月" in Japanese and Mandarin respectively. Before it started, he proposed to Katara that because none of them knew the pre-war South, her idealistic vision of it never existed. By the age of forty-three, Sokka served as the Southern Water Tribe representative on the United Republic Council as well as the Council's chairman. [57][58], While training to be a soldier for the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka became proficient in a variety of weapons, the most noticeable being his trademark boomerang, with which he has shown impressive accuracy, even from a blindspot by determining the enemy's line of fire. Unlike the rest of the core members of Team Avatar, Aang’s age is a little more complicated. Even in later years, Sokka maintained his humorous and good-natured personality as well as his sense of justice. Later, while having dinner at Two Fishes Northern Cuisine, to Sokka's delight, two young waiters stole Maliq's briefcase, and fled on a snowmobile. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Following Aang's victory over Old Iron, Sokka was running away from Momo, trying to keep some food he had been given. One popular theory is that Suyin Beifong – daughter of Toph – is actually Sokka’s child. History Early life . Here's how old they are. Voiced by [10] Despite his obvious cleverness, Sokka sometimes acted silly, if not outright stupid. On his command, Toph earthbent a tunnel that led to one of the tundra tanks. Inspired by “Avatar: The Last Air Bender”, this boomerang is for experienced throwers. Sokka and the rest of Team Avatar traveled to the Earth Kingdom, where they were planning on searching for an earthbending teacher for Aang. Sokka retorted, however, that he was not surprised that his "boring sister" liked "boring lecture guy", earning him a waterbending-generated snowball to the face from Katara. Upon being pointed to his office, Sokka and Katara were happily reunited with Hakoda, before being introduced to Malina and Maliq, the two Northerners behind the Southern Reconstruction Project, who admitted to being fans of the pair for saving Tui and La. [11] His leadership skills improved during his travels with the Avatar, culminating with his masterminding the plan for the invasion of the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun. Age: 16 years old. This prompted Lao to inform them that he had a solution he wanted to talk about at the meeting later. [45] He also seemed to respect the opinions of others. Airborne, Sokka commented how the adventure felt like "old times", though much to his annoyance, Aang stated that it was better than old times since he could now kiss Katara whenever, something he deftly demonstrated. When Lao subsequently ordered the Rough Rhinos to escort Team Avatar off the refinery's premises, Sokka was skeptical of the intention of the others to fight all the guards, noting that they all looked like strong men. He emotionally defended his "artwork", which was still met with more laughter from his peers. However, Sokka interrupted before they could fight, stating that it would be a better idea to give the place to the most effective school thus letting the students fight. After listening to their story he shared a moment with his sister. Team Avatar later traveled to Ba Sing Se, but soon after, as Sokka and Katara prepared to return to the South Pole for the first time since the end of the Hundred Year War, Aang received a summons from Zuko, who requested his aid against dark spirit attacks in the Fire Nation. This fanfic may be a bit smutty by the way, so please only read if you are 15+ sokka Throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are still quite young when they end the Hundred Year War. Sokka had an alter-ego named "Wang Fire", which he used while hiding in the Fire Nation. Sokka, serving as the Southern Water Tribe representative and chairman of the United Republic Council, was bloodbent by Yakone. This occasion saw Sokka and others protect Korra, the next Avatar, from a group called Red Lotus. She became the reincarnation of Tui, the Moon Spirit, and gave Sokka one final kiss as she faded away and restored the balance of the spirit. Afterward, the team visited Chin Village, where Aang was placed under arrest for a crime, which a past Avatar named Kyoshi committed and it fell upon Katara and Sokka to prove Aang's innocence. Sokka was also the "matter of fact" guy in the group and did not believe in spirit magic, as he openly mocked it. [2] Sokka was also, albeit humorously, a terrible artist, yet somehow strangely unaware or in denial of it. As they later discussed the ongoing construction in the South, Sokka was certain that the gathering protesters would relent when they saw the perks of the tribes' partnership. After Ozai was defeated, all the war prisoners were released, and Sokka and Katara were once again reunited with their father. Sokka $ 58.00 $ 33.00. In the end, Aang was still 12 years old (or, at most, just turned 13). While the animated series originally aired on Nickelodeon between 2005 and 2008, Avatar: The Last Airbender is experiencing a resurgence after the cartoon was added to Netflix’s queue ahead of the Netflix live-action remake, which is currently in development. Sokka si descrive come "il ragazzo della carne e del sarcasmo" e, diversamente da sua sorella, non può dominare l'acqua. After the men were defeated, the couple left, with Sokka warning them their shells had been set on fire by San's firebending because of the lacquer that was on them. Sokka is one of only two people, aside from the Avatars themselves, to have seen four Avatars in their lifetime, the other being Katara. While Aang fused with La and attacked the Fire Nation armada, Yue sacrificed herself to give the white koi the bit of its life force that was inside her. Both of Sokka's known romantic partners have names that mean "moon", as "Yue" and "Suki" (as the anglicized version of "Tsuki") both refer to the moon in Chinese and Japanese, respectively. After another disastrous attempt to inspire the three pupils by making them get emotional and scaring them with a metal monster Sokka made Toph bend, the earthbending instructor told her friend about her feeling of failure as she was expecting her students to become something they were not. In one exercise, when told to stamp his identity onto a sheet of paper, rather than simply writing his name, Sokka smeared ink all over his face and pressed it onto the paper. With the aid of the girl's metalbending abilities, the trio hijacked one of the tanks. This seemed to earn him the respect of several of the people he met and helped him grow as a warrior and as a person. Missing for a century, Aang awakens to discover that the Fire Nation has been waging a war against the three kingdoms in his absence. With the iron mask the metalbender students had dug up being taken to the beaches by Loban and the Rough Rhinos, Sokka decided to join Satoru on his forklift to retrieve it at Aang's urging; he asked if he could drive, but was rebuffed by the scientist. Aang and Katara retreated to the top of the wall, and Toph, Suki, and Sokka followed suit with the aid of Toph's bending, where they decided to split up. Sokka is a member of the Southern Water Tribe, once a large community, but greatly reduced due to the war with the Fire Nation. When the tour led them back outside, Sokka's interest was piqued upon seeing a forklift and he insisted on trying it out for himself, though ended up breaking it. [33], To commemorate his legacy, a statue of him holding his boomerang aloft was erected in front of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center. Sokka brings everyone to justice with his amazing speeches! Avatar: 10 Things About Sokka That Make No Sense. The first thing he did was hug his children, tight. Their friend was eventually found and - together with the unconscious Zuko - brought back to the Spirit Oasis, where his astral projection could return from the Spirit World. Sokka è un personaggio immaginario della serie televisiva animata statunitense Avatar - La leggenda di Aang, creato da Michael Dante DiMartino e Bryan Konietzko. Sokka's sarcasm is also referred to as "Sok-casm". Then Sokka (he didn't name it) the isopup came over and Human Sokka asked what his name was. Arriving at the Beifong Metalbending Academy, Sokka quickly pulled Penga, Ho Tun, and The Dark One out of class, saying that it was a serious situation that he would explain more about en route, only noting at that point that Toph needed their help. Sokka was ambidextrous to an extent. While Aang warned Azula to stay back as he did not want to hurt her, Sokka made it clear that he did not share the same sentiment, though his threat was met with laughter, as Azula did not perceive his boomerang as a danger. Following the death of his mother and his father's departure for war, Sokka was raised by his grandmother Kanna along with his Siblings. As frustrating as it is, the general consensus is that Sokka died of old age and natural causes between age 70 and 85. Growing up as part of a minor tribe that lived in the remains of the Southern Water Tribe's ruined capital, Sokka was raised from a young age to be a warrior and possessed much knowledge of … Although tired, Sokka and Katara battled Mai and Ty Lee by the Nan Shan River. While on a fishing expedition for their village, Sokka and his younger sister Katara accidentally steered their canoe into a rip current, where it was crushed between ice floes, and subsequently, the duo found a mysterious figure trapped in a large spherical ice block. Alone behind enemy lines he is at the mercy of Azula, but will his charm sway her to reconsider? He was arguing with Katara about who should wash their clothes, to which he said he should not because he was a man, therefore, it was not his job. After their village was attacked by soldiers on a Fire Nation ship commanded by Prince Zuko, Katara learned that Aang was the Avatar and eventually managed to persuade her brother to help him. Sokka used himself and Katara as decoys to lure the Rough Rhinos to the river side, where his sister would have the advantage. Sokka was born at the South Pole to Chief Hakoda and Kya in 84 AG. However, the amicable atmosphere quickly changed when Azula emerged from behind Zuko. Hakoda left along with all of the other men in his tribe to fight the Fire Nation when Sokka was a young boy. While Aang (Zach Tyler Eisen), Katara (Mae Whitman), and Sokka (Jack De Sena) may have jointly defeated the Fire Nation by the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender, it’s easy to forget that the trio that started Team Avatar are actually quite young despite their impressive accomplishments. He may have been closed-minded at first, but that was because he wanted to protect himself and those he loved. The students informed their sifu that they had been kicked out of the school by Kunyo, whom Toph went to face and demand her school back. [34], Sokka died sometime between 158 and 170 AG.[6]. She confessed to being disturbed from seeing their father kissing Malina, believing her to be not good enough for their father, but Sokka countered that only Hakoda would know who was best for him. The next day he had to help his sister put out fires started by Azula before heading into town. The creators of the show liked the idea of a sibling rivalry, inspired by the fact that the two both had sisters. Following the death of his mother and his father's departure for war, Sokka was raised by his grandmother Kanna along with his younger sister Katara. Although he lacks bending abilities, he still possesses a multitude of skills, and has become a valuable asset to the team. When Aang agreed to stay and attend a business council meeting that afternoon, Sokka was frustrated that he would have to wait even longer to see Suki. Sokka and Toph fall in love after a strange encounter, but they have to keep it a secret. Sokka decided to tag along, wanting to see how the business council works, and thought of a better name for it. Gender: Male. Sometime after the conclusion of the Hundred Year War, Sokka worked at a grocery store. Sokka brings everyone to justice with his amazing speeches! Sokka is perhaps the only character who acts like a normal teenager would , in the real world. The following day, Sokka readily volunteered to take the first watch over Azula, much to Zuko's worry. In the Earth Kingdom's capital, Sokka firstly helped to thwart another of War Minister Qin's plans, by helping destroy the Fire Nation Drill, after which Team Avatar was welcomed into the city as honored guests. Zerochan has 15 Sokka anime images, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery. When Toph subsequently got into an argument with Aang, the ground shook and Sokka urged the two earthbenders to remain calm, assuming they were responsible for it. At last, Nickelodeon’s hit animated series Avatar: the Last Airbender has returned to Netflix, meaning longtime fans can enjoy this series once again, and newcomers have a chance to see what all the fuss is about. In some case, he even switched hands during an activity. Although he was able to dodge the weapon thrown at him, the blade shattered one of the support beams, causing the mine to cave in. Sokka è un guerriero di 15 anni della Tribù dell'Acqua del Sud che, con sua sorella Katara, accompagna Aang nella sua ricerca per sconfiggere il Signore del Fuoco. Being told they were worth fifteen ban for one but at a special of two for thirty, he grew excited, but quickly realized what the vendor was doing and grew annoyed. After conversing with a group of kids who snowballed Sokka in the face, they are accosted by a trio of construction workers who admonished the children for trespassing. Sokka served as the funny guy & a key member of Team Avatar, but some things just didn't make sense about him. The events are marked “BG” (“before the Air Nomad Genocide”) and after, “AG.” Aang was confirmed as the Avatar in the year 0, during which time he fled and was frozen. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. He was possibly ambidextrous, because he was seen painting with his right[57] as well as his left[58] hand. Gender: Male Age: 15 … [56], Sokka's leadership skills evolved as the War ended. Boomerang is handcrafted and non-replaceable, therefore it should only be thrown over grassy areas away from trees, houses, etc. He even asked "Aang, thank goodness, have you got any meat?" The two waterbenders refused Katara's suggestion of peace and attacked but were defeated by her superior waterbending, much to Sokka's amusement. The figure introduced himself as Aang, an airbender, and offered to escort them home on his Flying bison Appa. Sokka was formally trained in swordmanship, revealing the serious side of his personality. Which of these two powerless, arrogant but planning individuals will win? However, the fighting was in vain, as Azula soon had the king at flamepoint. After Zuko joined their cause, Sokka infiltrated the prison - the Boiling Rock - where his father might be being held with the help of Zuko. Add photo 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Sokka 4 Light Yagami 5 Intermission 6 Poll 7 Death Battle 8 Conclusion 8.1 Original Track Avatar vs Death Note. It was also Sokka who discovered that a solar eclipse disables a firebender's ability to bend and his idea to travel to Ba Sing Se and inform the Earth King. After the earthbender Toph Beifong joined the group to teach Aang, Sokka and the team barely escaped the clutches of Azula, who chased after them in a Tank train. He dragged Katara, who was fighting two Rough Rhinos herself, along with him, prompting the three men to chase them. Upon landing in the middle of town, Sokka was disappointed that there was no welcoming committee for them. Sokka's father, Hakoda did in fact arrive and Sokka formulated a plan of escape with him. Sokka is a character in Avatar: The Last Airbender, voiced by Jack DeSena. Likewise, he shows little surprise when the Avatar is discovered, implying that he doesn't deny the possibility of such a character. Sokka was the father figure of Team Avatar and the older brother of Kya. The blade retained an unusual all-black appearance and was able to slice through the toughest materials, such as steel. Sokka was a Water Tribe warrior of the Southern Water Tribe and the son of Chief Hakoda and Kya. [9] As there were no other teenage boys in the tribe, Sokka was the oldest male in the South Pole and, therefore, left as the leader of the tribe. [36] Not having bending abilities himself, Sokka instead preferred the ways of the warrior and the scientist. When he asked Aang about the identity of the woman, the young Avatar had to admit that he was not sure who it was, but subsequently waved Sokka's skepticism about bowing to an unknown lady's statue away by stating that it was just how it was done. Last appearance Sokka expressed his frustration at Katara and Aang for not coming back to get him like they had promised, and Toph explained that they had been trying to slow the Fire Nation Army down. While Zuko went inside he stayed outside to defend the home. — Sokka to the universe after getting trapped in a small fissure. Aang realized there was no hope for saving the building and flew in to grab Toph just as the building imploded. Sokka lovingly covered Katara with a blanket. When Aang eventually managed to strike up a conversation with Satoru about the refinery's location and accused the factory of having defiled the sacred land, Sokka backed him up, stating that nature could never have polluted a river to the point the river near the factory had been defiled. Sokka was also the "matter of fact" guy in the group and did not believe in spirit magic, as he openly mocked it. Inside, Sokka decided upon their next move. After Katara pointed out the hazardous situation they were in, Sokka tried to urge every worker to evacuate, though without success. [13] During the passing of Sozin's Comet, Sokka was once again able to prove his proficient skills in fighting. As the princess was quickly overpowered by his friends and tensions calmed down again, he casually stated that it was perhaps better that someone else took the first watch instead of him. First appearance As the main comic relief of Team Avatar, Sokka had a naturally lighthearted personality. Toph was 12 years old when she met Sokka and since that day she always had a big crush on him. We first even learn about Sokka's fate in the series sequel, The Legend of Korra (which you can watch on Amazon Prime, YouTube, and Google Play), when Katara says that he's passed away. When Katara is reaped at the age of twelve, her brother Sokka is horrified. Sokka is a member of the Southern Water Tribe, once a large community, but greatly reduced due to the war with the Fire Nation. Years ago, Sokka’s father left with the tribe’s other men to join the war effort against the Fire Nation. However, when he got trapped at one point, Sokka shouted at "karma in the heavens", vowing to give up both meat and sarcasm for assistance. Fan-favorite characters like Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and more are right around the corner.. RELATED: 10 Ty Lee Fan Art Pictures You Need See From Avatar: the Last Airbender However, Sokka was again separated from his father at the Western Air Temple due to a Fire Nation ambush, with Sokka going with Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko and Suki. At that moment, an earthbender was thrown against the wall behind them, telling them to get out of the way and that this fight was not fit for them. Initially, he assumed leadership of the group based on the fact that he was the oldest, that he had some rudimentary warrior training, and that Aang was just a goofy kid. He understood it was Aang's destiny to face Ozai alone, while he, Suki, and Toph focused their energies on stopping the Fire Nation airship fleet.[19]. [10] He was protective of his younger sister[9][17] and treasured the boomerang[18] given to him by his father. He questioned why Zuko let Azula sleep with her hands unbound, to which he received the response that he was giving her a chance, since she did save them all from the moth wasps. When Sokka was heading to Ba Sing Se with Team Avatar to inform Earth King Kuei about Yu Dao's situation, he decided to leave with Toph to her metalbending academy in order to avoid his "oogies" at Aang and Katara's relationship. He gave Zuko a blanket as well when the firebender requested one, before taking his leave to the forest in order to empty his bladder.[23]. However, they soon discovered that a town had been built in the meadow and he and Toph set out to find a decent meal of meat. Perhaps his greatest triumph, however, was his nearly single-handed defeat of Combustion Man by using his boomerang to hit his tattoo on his forehead to block the latter's chi flow. Three months later, during the new Spirits' Friendship Festival, Sokka set up a meat stand, selling items such as meat kebabs, which he described as a shish kebab but without the stuff consumers did not like.[27]. Together with his siblings they found the avatar frozen in an iceberg. By the second season, Sokka seemed to have matured and referred to the group as a team. When Gilak later emerged and interrupted the festivities, Sokka was shocked to learn that Malina and Maliq had indeed intended to control the South to favor the North, although Malina insisted she had long forsaken that plan. As the oldest male present, Sokka came to assume a leader's role by the age of fifteen, fiercely protecting the village from e… Before the conflict could escalate any further, they were halted by Suki and Ty Lee, who implored them to let Zuko explain the situation. Suddenly, the stand owner yanked the helmet off his head and told them that they were closed, as a fight between earthbenders and firebenders began to break out. During the year immediately subsequent to the Hundred Year War, Sokka joined Katara and Aang in the "Harmony Restoration Movement" to disassemble the Fire Nation colonies in service of Earth King Kuei.[20]. After the battle was over, he was seen running back to Aang and Katara, rejoining Team Avatar.[22]. Meanwhile, Zuko had snapped back to attention when the professor had made a comparison between how one treats their family and how one rules. Sokka, along with Zuko, Tenzin, and Korra's father, Tonraq, thwarted the kidnapping attempt and saved the young Avatar. Sokka was the critical thinker of Team Avatar and devised the group's agenda. Before Zuko came along, Sokka was the oldest member of the Avatar gang. Sokka and Toph gave up immediately and were soon disabled by Ty Lee. Wishing to contribute more to his team in actual combat, Sokka decided to learn the art of swordsmanship, wielding a Jian sword. Chronological information As much as Sokka loved meat, he grew close to every pet he received. Sokka in the pilot episode Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Maliq's attention returned to them, Sokka asked him to repeat what he had said, and the Northerner explained his plan to harvest oil from the South and modernize it along with Earthen Fire Industries, sparking Sokka's interest upon mentioning a forklift. According to his sister Katara, Sokka was initially skeptical, abrasive, sexist and immature[9] and was always sharp-witted. Sokka thought bending was what got the world in trouble in the first place, so he believed only the skill and strength of ordinary men like himself could ultimately defeat the Fire Nation. 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