The last few weeks we have looked at verses 1 & 2 (here), 3 (here) and 4 (here). Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. A keystone is at the apex of an arch, and communication is at the apex of due diligence. (3 Nephi 14:12) Elder Russell M. Nelson talks about how the golden rule encompasses the moral code. Especially, if it is unnecessary litigation. We are playing a long, drawn out version of the blame game and in the end it leads to destruction. The passage doesn’t say, “…for as long as you read about these things…” Nor does it say, “…for as long as you occasionally do these things…” The word is practice. Have I stopped believing what God says about sin? The ants are all individually focused, not on themselves, but on what their job is within the community. Everyone needs down time, but let’s make sure we are all hard working as well. Most would be reluctant to disclose these type of events but it is essential to conducting due diligence to know who your “partner” really is? Does their resume check out? Ha, ha. God's precious gifts and promises should stimulate us to earnest effort. …in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Image by StockSnap on Pixabay. Being morally excellent does not take on the guise of moral judge. - And beside this, giving all diligence; rather, but for this very cause also. Have I forgotten why Jesus came to die on the cross? They don’t question why or whether this is the right job for them, they simple focus on getting the job done. Have you made these qualities a part of your life? If you are just coming in to this series and want to check out the previous posts just click on the links below: Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay. If you are investing a substantial amount in a venture, the last thing you would want to see is the company using your investment which was intended for business growth to instead be used to fund litigation. Unfortunately, how many of us are practicing these qualities until they are firmly embedded on our minds and hearts. In the same fashion, if the ants did not work together as a team, the community would not survive. Moral So, when you start your day today, ... To give a talk to the students. However, enhanced due diligence of a company’s management team on the other hand while not mandatory, is certainly priceless. Each of these needs to be practiced and it is by practice that they become more a part of who we are. Forensic Investigations: Due Diligence Done Correctly. The Spirit’s job is to guide us into truth. We have been working our way through 2 Peter 1:1-11. Let them know what the exact life through this site. There is a desire to move the company forward to the “next level”. This verse from Colossians also talks about increasing, specifically in the knowledge of God. However, struggling with doing these on a regular basis is different than not exhibiting these qualities all together. Though memorization no longer comes easy to me, when I was younger, it was through repetition that I memorized large portions of scripture and made it through classes in college like Anatomy and Physiology. Diligence as one of seven virtues describes thoroughness, completeness, and persistence of an action, particularly in matters of faith. Here is that word again. 6:11. rewarder of them that diligently seek him, Heb. Don’t just read your Bible, study it. We are looking at the company’s CEO, COO, CFO and the rest of the “C” suite. Don’t pick a firm “out of a hat.” Finding a … Sure we might be really good at brotherly kindness, but when it comes to self-control, we trip up. The care for persons is an essential of Due Diligence. Required fields are marked *. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay. Do your “due diligence” before you buy. [1] The theory behind due diligence holds that performing this type of investigation contributes significantly to informed decision making by enhancing the amount and quality of information available to decision-makers and by ensuring that this information is systematically used to deliberate in a reflexive manner on the decision at hand and all its costs, benefits, and risks. Diligence is a character trait. Virtue: the good result that comes from something; a particular moral excellence…. I don’t get to it every day, but I like the freedom of being able to listen to the Word spoken when I am doing my make up, eating breakfast or doing the dishes. Instead of hatred, we return love. So where does one start the due diligence process in the private corporation transaction scenario? Do employees feel they are part of the team? We have many questions in life that we want answers for. The correct answer is: Work Ethic IDENTIFICATION 5. We do that by being in His word, praying, fellowshipping with other believers and by sitting under teachers who specifically adhere to the truth of Scripture and moral excellence. Diligence Versus Carelessness and Neglect. The Holy Spirit’s work in us is to make us more like Christ. Or are you focusing on yourself? I believe we are living in the burdened age. Websters online dictionary defines diligence in the following ways: - steady, earnest, and energetic effort : persevering application, - the attention and care legally expected or required of a person (such as a party to a contract). in order to be diligent in our moral excellence we must learn of and know God. You may also wish to check court dockets to see if the company has been involved in litigation, but you may also wish to check into the litigation history if any, of the management team, individually. Today we are going to finish the passage, by looking at the last two verses. There is plenty of untruth in the world. Generally, in business transactions, one is presented with a term sheet of the offering specifics, along with certain business, financial, and legal disclosures of past and existing conditions, along with contingent ones. What is their educational background? 11:6. giving all diligence, add to your faith, 2 Pet. It also talks about bearing fruit. Accountability and responsibility in leading morally is the challenge of Due Diligence. We can draw the conclusion from the beginning of verse 9, that not everyone was practicing these qualities. And exercise diligence work hard put forth the effort I've done my part and now if you are going to grow and maximize my promises and provisions work is required by you. I believe I have mentioned this before. Peter is, once again, referring back to the qualities that were listed in the previous verses. But, here Peter is admonishing us to apply diligence. It is wonderful story.Touching the heart of the students. That decision was real. In the Christian community we look at our fellow believers as our brothers and sisters. Maybe that will need to be looked into at a future date. ... Be different from your parents and don’t skirt the moral questions. Once again I am looking at 2 Peter 1:1-11. Additionally, you will want to know the relationship amongst the management team. Is there an undisclosed romantic, current or former, relationship amongst shareholders? Instead of anger, it becomes our natural response to be kind. There is something about spring that really sets our hearts to racing. That being said, let’s review this idea of diligence. It refers back to the last verse. A belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character. The issue came up before a short talk I was giving to some accountants last week, and the answer was relevant to our fact-finding business. Do you want to know what the side affects are for that medication the doctor just put you on? It is part and now we gotta do our part and listen at the language. It says that entrance into the Kingdom will be abundantly supplied to us. In addition, ask God to show you which of these qualities you need to be increasing in. Often, they are dressed in robes of that look godly, but really are not. Αὐτὸ τοῦτο is frequently used in this sense in classical Greek, but in the New Testament only here. What it real? It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. Studying it, is even better. However, I do believe we can all be hard working like the ant. The following is a quick lesson in Ethics, and why it is imperative to work hard, continually. Diligence is the virtue and the opposite of sloth. Diligence takes work, focus and it certainly helps to have others keeping you accountable. I believe that when we do not practice these qualities we become insensitive to the movement of God’s spirit in our lives. Produced in association with Character Counts! Have I really taken a look at myself lately to see where I am sinning, and where I need to confess and receive His forgiveness? Reading it, is a good start. Focus. When we think of team players we usually think of sports. Ha, ha. There are other team players in our society as well, such as fire fighters, police officers, soldiers and doctors. Is management respectful to its employees? Here is another look at the passage in its entirety. What is the word from the street? I hope you have enjoyed this look at 2 Peter 1:1-11. The aforementioned qualities are not just to be ours, but are to be increasing. You need to see your potential bride in the light of day warts and all so you can make an intelligent and well-informed decision to jump into the fray. Due diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, or an act with a certain standard of care. In today’s world that is hard, but Jesus never said it would be easy. You can also look at individual state prison inmate locator sites as well. Even truer, is that a written contract is only as enforceable as the morality of the person executing it. First, it is essential that you really know the management of the private company you are considering partnering with. I don’t know about you, but I do not always fit into the steady, earnest, and energetic effort description. God grants to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Being morally excellent doesn’t mean never being tempted, nor does it mean never giving in to a temptation, but what it does mean is knowledge of the perfect forgiver of sins and the way to receive that forgiveness. Posted in Due Diligence, Ethics, Investigation, Legal Ethics In honor of President’s Day (still officially known as Washington’s Birthday) a few thoughts about interviewing. Communication keystone. When it comes to the insect world, ants have earned an reputation as one of the most hard working and diligent creatures. They are the ones who work hard. Here are a few verses to think over on diligence. It would seem, then, that not all Christians have these qualities. ... Do a word study of the words diligent, diligence, moral, excellence and knowledge. It is in these type circumstances that one is obliged to investigate the accuracy, completeness, and nature of the disclosures. What is their employment history? These tiny creatures go about their business day in and day out, working to keep their hives or their hills intact and in working order. Do a word study of the words diligent, diligence, moral, excellence and knowledge. [6] We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. Marriage? Working as a team allows for the best outcome or the win, as it is in sports. Let me list them: diligence, faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. He states that "what was once understood as the work ethic—not just hard work but also a set of accompanying virtues, whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free markets too few now recall". Yes, some of us need more sleep, need more alone time and cringe when we have to go to another social engagement, but there are many ways to be a hard working diligent ant. Image by Couleur on Pixabay, …and in your moral excellence, knowledge…. However, Peter was not talking about knowledge of the world. The reason we want to be a person of excellence, is because of who we are representing. Did you make a decision to follow Jesus? When Peter says to be diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you, He isn’t saying you might have lost your salvation along the way. As we have learned in our study, the eight qualities that Peter lists are ours to have because of Jesus’ great and magnificent promises. We are not an island, unlike Paul Simon believed. He is talking about knowledge of God. Although this does not provide financial or legal disclosure, it provides in essence what is “moral disclosure”. Our faith is only strengthened and grown as we continue to make morally excellent choices. He knew we would need the reminder. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Do you believe this? I believe in eternal security, meaning once you make the decision to accept Christ as your Savior, you are always saved, however, there are decisions made when emotions are high, that aren’t necessarily real. You can state facts, values, or policy claims in order to get your listeners change their views Read More Practice is essential for not stumbling. Maybe you love to buy and send cards, then you do the hard work of encouragement. Yes, we might make a regular practice of moral excellence, but when we have to be diligent we fall short. What Peter is saying is that those who are not exhibiting these qualities are unable to see. If you ask my kids and my husband, they would tell you I love them. All of us fall short. With the onset of social media, Google and other computer applications we are able to instantly know about everything. This is theology that says, we gain entrance into heaven by our good works. If you ask my boss at work, she’d say I am diligent. There is so much more to be learned from these verses, as we could study each and every one of these words in depth. What this verse seems to be suggesting is that it can be even better than that. Some will say we are living in the enlightened age. I love to watch British mystery shows. Due Diligence and Moral Rights; Due Diligence and Cultural Heritage; Due Diligence and Art Collecting; Due Diligence and Art Law; Due Diligence and Museums; Due Diligence and The Art Market; Attribution / Authenticity; Posthumous Casts; Catalogue Raisonnés; Due Diligence and Experts/Expertise; Contact Next week, I hope to do an Easter post. Excellent site to all depressed people. We want to read, reread and reread again. But what do we mean by due diligence, and do we see it differently depending on whose interests we represent? Diligence, if left without the seasoning of humble desperation, becomes the bitterest of all roots. Do you want to know what people think about a political issue? Just imagine the picture above, an operating room, where the surgeon, nurses, anesthetist and other caregivers are not on the same team? With Easter just around the corner, what better time to be certain about His calling and choosing. It is my belief that our faith can be easily swayed by the corruption in the world, because we do not adhere to moral excellence. We buy into the lies that the world puts out there, that sin is a bad word and all the bad things in the world are a result of bad luck or the choices of others. He is ever increasing our ability to experience Him more deeply. So what exactly does it mean when it says, we will never stumble? Let’s stop for a minute and talk about this. We are often encouraged to be about the Lord’s business, whether that means sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, or being involved in a ministry for the homeless. host gatherings at their homes, and go to their kids games. Atul Gawande is author of several best-selling books, including Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science, Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End and The Checklist Manifesto.. The Faith and Diligence of the Brother of Jared (Ether 2:16; 3:5) Elder Robert D. Hales talks about the faith and diligence of the brother of Jared. Should anything be displayed you can continue your investigation by utilizing a background report, as well as asking the individual directly. Seeing as it was a large area Peter was writing to, it makes sense that he was trying to cover the main points of what a walk with Christ would look like. Read Download .pdf Sharon Hecker and Giuseppe Calabi, “L’Atleta Vittorios… Is there good morale at the company or does management create a situation where everyone is just interested in saving their own hides? That brings me to the last phrase of this verse. We want what we practice to become a permanent part of who we are. I often think of reading and studying the Bible as a mystery investigation. Verse Concepts. God inspired him to pen these words, because there were Christians who were not exemplifying these qualities. So, if some of these ideas seem repetitive, that is because they are. Ha, ha. What special issues will this create when you become part of the company? Not only will it draw us closer to Christ, but it will make us much better human beings. Let’s look at the whole passage again. As we begin to think about Easter, which is only a few weeks away, I hope that each of us will spend a little time in self-reflection asking these questions: Am I practicing the qualities Peter lists in verses 5, 6 and 7? One of the simplest ways to begin this investigation at no cost is to use federal websites such as the Federal Prison Inmate locator at and enter the name. They just seem to be moving, and doing all the time. As John Murray writes, “If we are not keenly sensitive to our own helplessness, then we can make the use of means of sanctification the minister of self-righteousness and pride” ( Redemption Accomplished and Applied , 156). Do want to keep track of your calories, your steps, your sleep or your water intake, there is an app for that. If you want to see news stories and videos of people getting handcuffed or beat up, you can access it. We will get into Heaven and dwell with the Almighty forever. For in this way, the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. It can be a legal obligation, but the term will more commonly apply to voluntary investigations. We do that, when we make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Diligence Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. We are meant to be part of a body. In the human world, one person’s self focus and dysfunction can become a trial and difficulty for many other people. Sin is not something we spend huge amounts of time talking about or thinking about, but we should. Thanks for following along. All Rights Reserved. Once again, we need to ask, why is moral excellence paired with knowledge? The National Ethics Association recommends the following six techniques for checking on a company before you buy. Leave a thought in the comments. The dental discourse and practice of the twentieth century created a range of conceptualisations of the mother - the 'natural', 'ignorant', 'responsible' and 'caring' mother are identified here. Have they been consistently employed? moral discourse and practices that surrounded the mother. For grades 7-12. Let’s take a closer look at today’s verse by breaking each phrase down. Is there a specific area that God is convicting you needs to come under His authority? Today, I would like to ruminate on verse 5. What areas of your life do you need to have more diligence? I’ve worked my way through several and have thoroughly enjoyed them. What do you think of when you hear the word, diligence? There are no SEC filings to review and generally there is a lack of audited financials. If we don’t really pay attention, one could say that this verse is a proponent of good works theology. I’d love to hear your thoughts on diligence in your own life. What it does do is puts itself in the hands of the Perfect Judge and let’s Him take care it. You all remember the old saying, “Practice makes perfect.” Of late, there is a new movement towards a different mentality of “Practice makes permanent,” which actually might make more sense. Becoming more Godly, takes focus, and other people. This idea of increasing in the knowledge of God and bearing fruit, seems to go hand in hand. If I am practicing brotherly kindness, I want to practice it and practice it, until it becomes a natural response for me. Have they worked together successfully or unsuccessfully before? The qualities referred to are the ones previously mentioned. If those qualities are increasing, then we are neither useless nor unfruitful. I am here to serve the cannabis community. We know how important it is to be accountable to others and to be challenged in God’s word on a regular basis. …they render you, neither useless nor unfruitful…. In 2015 he began talking on AI ethics and started the Machine Ethics podcast.Since, Ben has talked with academics, developers, doctors, novelists and designers on AI, automation and society. This post discusses some of the common mistakes made during due diligence and provides suggestions on how to guard against them. A … Things like reading God’s word and prayer are hard work, but absolutely worth while. Have a great day and check back again next week. The opposite of diligence is carelessness, laziness (slothfulness) and neglect. nandu says: April 3, 2016 at 3:08 pm No words to say. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, when we accept Jesus’ work, life, death and resurrection, is the string that connects us to the Almighty. Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, 2 Peter 1:3. In fact, I am pretty sure that is why He inspired Peter to pen these words. Unfortunately, there are also darker forces at work that we cannot see, motivating people to do things that are even more corrupt. Just as a child has an immense sense of curiosity, in the same way we need to be curious about what God says in His word. Even the best of us, fall short. We both know this is something we need to focus on and be diligent about finding. Due Diligence is about ensuring what is ‘good’ for persons in the process of organizing. The word of the week in our character development series is “diligence.” The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. That would be fine, if every single person was increasing in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Type it in to Google. This is how we have our curiosity satisfied and it is how we learn. helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum – all 100% free online.. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. It is like a romance with nature, as she offers her ever increasing beauty for all of us to enjoy. 20 Bible Verses on Diligence. Have they jumped from job to job, and if so what are the reasons? I really struggle with being diligent in many areas of my life. Many of these upstart companies have been operating on shoestrings and suspenders. Not just any old knowledge, but the true knowledge of Christ. Moral Due Diligence: What is in the privately held corporation’s closet? This website and the information and materials available through the site are made available only in accordance with certain terms and conditions. What exactly does that mean? Teaching guide ( discussion guide, lesson plans, teachers' guide ) for diligence & perseverance. I believe this phrase is referring back to the previous phrase in verse 4, “…having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” The fact that we are in the world means we are exposed to the corruption in it. Even retail businesses work like a team to deliver products to the people who need or want them.. –Wikipedia. Your email address will not be published. March 06, 2019 / Amy Christensen. This includes many common folk stories with a good moral at the end, real-life examples of successful persons and simple stories of normal people who have been part of their life journey. All of these qualities are the same qualities we see in God. Imagine if any one of those busy ants decided they didn’t like what they were doing? Hi again! I also think that he is encouraging us to go back and ruminate on what, exactly Jesus did and why He did it. Thomas Shanks, S.J., executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, was asked to walk readers through a real-life case for The Monitor, the publication of the Investment Management Consultants Association. Patience: the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient. He is constantly working, doing his part for the survival of the community. Talk about a slap in the face! When I began taking a look at the first chapter of 2 Peter, I briefly went over each of the Godly traits listed as I went through the passage. I came to the conclusion, that each of these traits is so important that they deserve their own day in the sun, so to speak. Temptations that once assailed us, will no longer have control over us, because our diligence and self-control are stronger. Until then, have a great week everyone. Why you should listen. By Philip Segal on January 27, 2012. steady, earnest, and energetic effort : persevering application. As you can see from this video, the ant is never sitting around watching Netflix. There are several characteristics these ants have that show diligence. When I was a student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL the president at the time often used the terminology, “being a person of excellence.” For some reason, that has always stuck with me. They are to be increasing in our lives, meaning we need to be putting in the effort to focus on these qualities and determine, how we can allow God to bring them to fullness in us. All the more reason, we need to be diligent, increasing in these qualities and truly learning more of God, by studying His word, the Bible. I grew up in a Bible believing church and was taught that asking Jesus to be my Savior was a decision I had to make. You can see that original post here. I will talk more about this event in the days leading up to Easter. Has it changed your life? …be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you…. Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have legal issues involving the cannabis industry. 3:14. teach them the word of God with all diligence, Jacob 1:19. The context of this passage written by Peter was to encourage believers that were scattered throughout the areas of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. The Bible gives us understanding as we learn to investigate its depths and trust God to teach us from it. I knew exactly who I was talking to, when I prayed that prayer, on my own, in my bedroom at home. It isn’t enough to have the quality of self-control, or diligence or brotherly kindness. Let’s face it, there is an awful lot of knowledge out there. I really don’t know, but I find it interesting that the point was made that the entrance into the Kingdom will be abundantly supplied. These are tough questions that need to be asked and sometimes the results of this moral due diligence will be surprising. Let’s review them as they are listed in the verses 5-7. Being fruitful isn’t just about the souls we are going to take to heaven with us, it is about glorifying God in all we do and say. The next few phrases refer back to the idea of applying all diligence. Ben Byford is a researcher and technologist with over 10 years of design and coding experience building websites, apps, and games.. How can you make this happen by being more diligent? Firmly embedded on our minds and hearts or legal disclosure, it provides in essence what is “ moral ”... Decide, ask God to teach us from it you wanting to work hard, continually continually..., Google and other computer applications we are looking at 2 Peter 1:1-11 at today ’ face!, work at it moral talk on diligence all your heart, as well as the. All diligence, faith, moral, excellence and knowledge can be a person of excellence, because. Your parents and don ’ t just read your Bible, study.... 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