Hurricane flight data are used to augment the analyses in the inner regions. My memories of the 1999 Super Cyclone are like fleeting images of a kaleidoscope, some vivid and several hazy. The use of the different schemes produced different results of precipitation features such as the intensification of mon - soon depressions ( Vaidya et al . Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. The MPS of MP and Sc could very well capture the rapid intensification In CP sensitivity experiments, the track and intensity is well simulated by Betts-Miller-Janjic (BMJ) schemes. Such studies are important as most weather systems over India form over the seas. 0600 UTC VIS images from 26-29 October 1999 showing development of Orissa Super TC. Analysis errors were cut by 65% (to 39 km); 72-hour forecast errors fell from 528 km to 394 km and 120-hour errors fell from 818 km to 440 km. 1999 Super Cyclone. This increase in the low-level wind speeds enhanced the air–sea exchange processes and improved Various cumulus convection schemes have been utilized by different general circulation models and regional mesoscale models to study different char-acteristic features of the monsoon. overestimated by Sc. presented. This is the third in a series of articles about hurricane structure and budgets. India for a clear sky day (16 May 1997) are used to assess the performance of the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) and land- the second set utilizes the NCAR–AFWA synthetic vortex scheme.