The garden of Eden story is a myth, and more so the biblical story is adopted from a literary genre that is also found in other ancient Near Eastern cultures. We do know that the Tigris and Euphrates rivers form a major river system in Western Asia and they follow roughly parallel courses through the heart of the Middle East. Many researchers believe the terms found in this story (including the four rivers - Tigris, Euphrates, Pishon, and Gihon - as well as the garden of Eden) come from Akkadian, a Semitic language used in Mesopotamia. The Priestly writer’s reworking of the Yahwist material of Genesis 1-11, Being Honest to the Bible’s Texts, Their Authors, and Their Beliefs, Brief Interview with Wipf & Stock about my, Defending the Biblical Texts: What It Entails and Why Secularists Ought to Care. The Gihon is spoken of as: "Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia" which is the African land area west of the Red Sea and southward. My research indicates that Man’s creator in Mesopotamian myth was USHUMGAL ENKI of Eridu. Review some of the largest lakes in Africa (along the rift…they are fresh water). 1. To understand the importance of where Ethiopia is in proximity to Havilah, we are going to look at the following map. Steven, your essays are very readable, very cogent and I will spend time carefully reading them. I’ve read your paper on the contradictions in the Bible. His penis is the ONE SOURCE of EDIN’S rivers in myth. Terry, thanks for the contribution. (Ex 4:3 vs Ex 7:9-10). But as, according to the sacred narrative, all these rivers of Eden took their origin from the head-waters of the Euphrates and the Trigris, it is probable that the Gihon is the ancient Araxes, which, under the modern name of the Arras, discharges itself into the Caspian Sea. The canyon which it has created is the deepest in Africa and one of the deepest in the world, at some points having a depth of over 2000 meters (6,562 feet). The Gihon is mentioned as one of four rivers (along with the Tigris, Euphrates, and Pishon) issuing out of the Garden of Eden that branched from a single river within the garden. The second river is Gihon. Gihon is the name of the second river mentioned in the second chapter of the biblical Book of Genesis. River #2 – Gihon “And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.” – 2:13. Thank you for all your hard work and I’ll be using you to further my studies! here is a river, called the Gihon, that flows to this day in the city of Jerusalem. ",, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 08:19. These two rivers are fed by different tributaries and always have been that way. Its confusing and also since 2 Gihons are mentioned (I’m guessing, but I know for sure about the Gihon that sourrounds the land of Kush). I’m fascinated by …, This is wonderful! Genesis 1 as a Test Case, The Growing Problem of Biblical Illiteracy in Our Country, The Biblical Texts on Their Own Terms Versus the Bible on Its Terms: Genesis 1 and 2 as a Case Study, Morals Don’t Come From God: For This I Know Because the Bible Tells Me So, #211. The quantity of water coming from any source had to be extremely large if it supplied the headwaters for 4 rivers. The upper reaches of this river in Ethiopia is called the Abbay and is considered to be a holy river, due to the fact that it is thought to be the famous River Gihon mentioned in the Bible. Queen Sheba doesn’t use to only rule Ethiopia; Yemen and so was hers and she went to Israel met with King Solomon then got admired by her beauty and so then had a son; King Menelik 1. Niger River. The. The Mesopotamian country of the Kassites is, nevertheless, still quite some distance from Jerusalem. Pishon river is described as encircling "the entire land of Havilah", a place where there is gold and onyx. According to Mesopotamian myth Enki is the creator of Mankind at Eridu, a city in modern Iraq, once on the Euphrates river. . I’ve been looking for someone with the scholarly acumen that you possess for sometime and it is proving itself successful in my continuing education. [citation needed] Juris Zarins identified the Gihon with the Karun River in Iran and Kush with the land of the Kassites. 2 Chronicles 32:30, however, informs us that it was a river spring near Jerusalem which supplied the city with its water, and that “it was Hezekiah who stopped up the spring of water of upper Gihon, leading it downward west of the city of David.”. In the work GIHON RIVER, Patrik Elgström moves away from the urban space and instead turns to nature. We both have recently “escaped” a religious cult. [7], Encyclopædia Britannica Online - Amu Darya, "Has the Garden of Eden been located at last? This may well have described how an ancient traveler would experience the mighty Euphrates as it finally emptied into the Persian Gulf. It is assumed that the garden of Eden can be found if these rivers are correctly identified. I absolutely agree Terry Knez. This was interpreted by the 17th century King James translators as referring to Ethiopia, much further to the south and located in Africa. The author of Genesis describes Gihon as "encircling the entire land of Cush", a name associated with Ethiopia elsewhere in the Bible. Is there a way to make money off this site or can you afford to give so much of your time? I’m a little familiar with the documentary hypothesis and all the J P stuff. Is it lawful to marry your wife’s sister OR not? Because 98% of the continent is covered by an ice sheet, Antarctica is not known for its rivers. The Bible text will stand. Modern-day South America and Africa are separated here by the Gihon, which completely surrounds Africa. (Num 11:16 vs Num 3:10, 3:38, 17:28, 18:22). But you actually make it work. If Gihon actually “gushed” in huge quantities at that time, water coming from it would run both north towards Syria, and south through the current Red Sea (along The Great Rift) and the water would have been fresh. The correlation between Ethiopia and Cush is well documented; this is the identification of a geographic location both in the Bible and on today’s map. Chari - Central African Republic, Chad, Cameroon. Kwango - Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Gen 2:2-3; Ex 20:8-11 vs Deut 5:12-15), #6. A river issues from Eden to water the garden, and it then divides and becomes four branches. Read the accounts of the Flood and you will see that it not only rained 40 days/nights, but the fountains of the deep opened up, implying a huge water source there….maybe from Gihon Spring and others. I found you through The Thinking Atheist Forums page and hope to learn much about the history and culture of the biblical writers. This is by no means an error it’s a deliberate attempt to displace Africa by the translators. Africa Things Surrounding. Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know ANYTHING about the P and J stuff or the interpretive frameworks. So, we have four rivers, Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphr ates. According to scripture, this river of Eden encompassed the entire land of Ethiopia. Gihon would not only provided waters for the 4 rivers of Eden’s time, but still be an intermittent spring of David’s time…about 1000 years later. One of the four rivers of Eden ( Genesis 2:13). And yet, this is exactly what the Bible (a 2nd century AD creation) is—multiple voices expressing multiple, varying, and even competing and contradictory views. The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. vs Dan 12:2; 1 Thess 4:15-17; 1 Cor 15:22, 15:51-52; Acts 24:15; Mk 9:1; Jn 5:28-29, 6:40; Rev 2:7), How we know that the biblical scribes were NOT written history, Genesis 1:6-8 — Life Inside a Water Bubble, #219. Where did the Waters of Meribah happen: in the wilderness of Sinai or Zin? Location: Africa; Times Mentioned. Central Africa. If you look at the globe you can see the broken puzzle. About The Garden of Eden, no one could ever know about it. no more. More precisely translated it is "Cush" or "Kush". He returns to the earth, to die, for had he eaten he would have obtained immortality for himself and for mankind. Why all the concern about these rivers by Jews, Christians and Moslems? Review some of the largest lakes in Africa (along the rift…they are fresh water). Dr. DiMattei and all of the participants on this blog: Thank you so much for helping me, a complete ignorant past Christianity, Mormonism, and the likes. The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. the onyx stone. And in the bible it’s said that main river created to water the garden was created from the east; spring of Gihon (Jerusallems) isn’t in the east, but Gihon river is (Ethiopia is located in the east) the other 3 rivers, do anyone know where they start from? Welcome to the Gihon River Review website/blog. You along with Bart Ehrman, Craig Allerts “A High View of Scripture”, and Friedman’s “Who Wrote The Bible”, have given me great insight on how and why the Bible came to be what it is. The rivers are called the Tigris, Euphrates, Pison, and Gihon. Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers. TIGRIS RIVER I’ve always been a margin marker and passage under-liner. Yes, it should be two different rivers at two different times with similar name Gihon. I think the Israels could be those brown skins like Ethiopians (they had pretty strong relationship I’m King Solom days) haha not too sure. By following the western bank of this course the traveler would eventually find … Heen taught history years ago, I don’t recognize the same history as it’s being taught to my grand kids today. I believe in Yahushuwa Hamasiach and his grace. Jan 5, 2017 - Precolonial Africa’s kingdoms by region. Gihon. Our website is pretty empty now because it's still being developed but it should be in full swing soon! From a geographic standpoint this would seem impossible, since two of the other rivers said to issue out of Eden, the Tigris and the Euphrates, are in Mesopotamia. Of course, the political boundaries of what we call Ethiopia today were certainly different in Biblical times, but the general area is correct. From Eden one river flows into four rivers, including the Tigris and Euphrates, these rivers then go outward to become separate rivers, each forming its own head. Starting from the ritual breaking of injera bread and eating it with your friends and family from the same plate, you will be building close bonds of loyalty and friendship. Through it one is able to begin to make sense of the disjointedness of a large portion of the Old Testament. TIGRIS RIVER. The Bible errs, Ziggurats wer considered by their builders not to be towers to reach intoi heaven, they were MOUNTAINS for the gods to come down to and had a room at their tops with a bed for the god to sleep on. How does the fact that archaelogical evidence says something conflicting make that document more valie?…who’s doing the interpretation, and how certain are we the “evidence” is valid? What saith the Mesopotamian myths that are refuted by Genesis? . Hence the reason why some scholars locate EDEN in these mountains (Like David Rohl). UNDERSTAND. Probably Eden is found somewhere in the middle of Kushs land :L. Nowhere in the KJV bible is the word spring used re the Gihon. Gihon » A river in egypt. Would indicate that at one time the Great Egyptian River wasn’t the Nile. It’s only been within the last four months that I …, What blows my mind is how we NEVER noticed these things in our Bible reading plans as Christians. The Pison and Gihon rivers flowed around this region of Africa when all the post-flood continents were connected together. For the Okinawan king, see Gihon (Ryukyu). This is not the only occurrence of a biblical author making a geographical error. Similar to the river, GIHON restaurant also serves a slice of flavors from different regions of the country, taking our patrons on a trip through the exotic lands of Ethiopia. He is shown with two streams erupting from his body, in art forms, sometimes he holds a pot against his belly from which two streams pour forth. Receive His Gift of pardon and you will be saved from eternal fire. [6], The Sefer haYashar, a medieval Hebrew midrash, asserts that in the time of Enoch, grandson of Adam, the river Gihon was subject to a catastrophic flood due to the wickedness of man. Concerning Jerusalem being in Africa, that is impossible according to the Hebrew records. But the medieval commentators, following the Septuagint, considered Cush to … Numerous genetic studies over the last few decades have shownthat human genetic diversity is greatest within African populations,leading scientists to proclaim that modern human populations originatedin Africa. Large rivers normally don’t form headwaters for others, they are made up of many smaller tributaries. From this, it is easy to understand that Pishon and Gihon, the first and second rivers of Eden, are in East Africa, biblically known as Ethiopia and those of the third and fourth rivers of Eden, namely, Ephratus and Tigrus, in the Middle East. Ethiopia in Hebrew is Cush, H3568, the name of one of Ham’s sons. Thank you so much for putting this out there. Amu Darya was known in the medieval Islamic writers as Jayhun or Ceyhun in Turkish. So, where is the Garden of Eden? I look forward to engaging with you as you continue in your…. Northeast of Antarctica's northern-most tip sits India and Australia, both separated from Asia by the Pison. Others regard it as the Oxus, or the Araxes, or the Ganges. Have done a little study of the Eden river complex. The Gihon river is the Nile. How do we know that the biblical writers were not writing history? Thanks . According to 1710 and 1747 maps (see below figures), Gihon is in western Africa, running eastward into what was known as Negroland and later becoming a tributary to the great river Nile. But as, according to the sacred narrative, all these rivers of Eden took their origin from the head-waters of the Euphrates and the Trigris, it is probable that the Gihon is the ancient Araxes, which, under the modern name of the Arras, discharges itself into the Caspian Sea. However, the names of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are not their original names but were named as such much later in history. Alternatively, is the Bible just wrong aboutwhere humans originated? The Gihon river flowed to Etheopia before the great flood, but when the earth’s plates shifted, and the underground cisterns were broken up, an ocean of water and steam flowed out, seperating Ethiopia from Arabia, creating the red sea and likely the medeterranian sea as well. Our cabbages, arrowroots, and sugar cane would be uprooted and delivered to others downstream from us. It has been identified with the Nile. Middle East to East Africa is Eden but anti-Semitic atheist, racist, evolutionists, divert God's Eden Garden rivers to suit theories. Too many voices in this world. The name of the second river is Gihon, the one that winds through the whole land of Cush. USHUM-GAL is Sumerian for “GREAT SERPENT” or “GREAT SERPENT-DRAGON,” an epiteth borne by Enki, a mythical beast, red in color, with four legs, two horns, two wings, and a serpentine, scaly body, who’s bite is poisonous. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which flows around the whole land of Cush. Please note the first country mentioned in the bible can be found in genesis 2:13. Can we stretch thebiblical creation narrative to place Eden in Africa or is it possiblethat the science is wrong? On the one hand, Genesis 2:13 informs us that Gihon circles the land of Cush, which is Ethiopia (Gen 10:6). I guess the best way to describe me right now is I have the audacity to question everything. See contradiction #14-18. NASB Word Usage Gihon (6).Gihon. Does the staff turn into a snake OR a serpent? I have also read Richard Friedman’s book but it is a bit much for me. Brilliant site! What is the minimum age of service for Levites: 25 OR 30? Nov 21, 2019 - God's four Eden rivers in Genesis 2:10-14 is place God planted a Garden East of Eden and put man formed in Garden. Or you can google “Mattfeld, Eden’s Serpent, or “Mattfeld Pre-biblical Garden of Eden.” Rev 17:15 - And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. So, Eridu is the pre-biblical origin of the Bible’s garden of Eden myth about a god warning man not to eat or he would die. Israel . It runs South-West of the Garden of Eden into Africa. #44. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) 1 Kings 1:33 The king said to them, "Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihon. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Eden's river Gihon compassing whole land of Ethiopia in Genesis 2:13. 10 A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. Indeed, let’s start being honest to this collection of ancient texts and their voices—not that homogenous voice which is implied and imposed by this centuries-later label “the Book”! Candace; Ebedmelech; Eunuch; Moses’ Wife; Queen of Sheba; Zerah ; The Ethiopian Connection. It’s only unbelievers who did not know about the shifting of contenents until the 20th century AD. We will encounter other examples of this sort. Dr. DiMattei, first off I want to say thank you for this blog. Further in the northern hemisphere rivers flow generally south…like these do now. Aras River Valley; History; Aras River Valley in detail. The Pison and Gihon rivers flowed around this region of Africa when all the post-flood continents were connected together. My knowledge about the history of the Old Testament, its compilation have increased much after coming to your site. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria (north of Babylonia). (Gen 29:28 vs Lev 18:18), #262. I find it all fascinating and a bit overwhelming to tell the truth. To a large degree I see society looking at the “effect”, and thinking it’s the “cause.” So I’m reverting back to what I know works…Biblical principles. The Aras River is the Bible’s River Gihon. If we look at the above map, we see the Ethiopia is directly across from Havilah (Arabian Peninsula). Logone - Central African Republic, Cameroon; Kagera River - Burundi; Congo - Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo. But as, according to the sacred narrative, all these rivers of Eden took their origin Nothing could be further from the truth, and further from a knowledge of ancient literature on a broader scale. GIHON (2) (gichon, gichon (in 1 K), from root gayach "to burst forth"): (1) See preceding article. About the middle of the Saudi Peninsula there seems to be a dry riverbed channel cutting accross easterly towards the Persian Gulf. Gihon. I mean what the different sources were up to is presented nicely. Can a mortal see God face-to-face and live OR not? (Ex 40:2-33; Lev 8; Num 7:1 vs Lev 9; Num 1:1), #89. From a geographic standpoint this would seem impossible, since two of the other rivers said to issue out of … Evidence given in support of this includes the fact that the oldest human remains have been found in Africa, and that the Gihon is usually thought to be a name for the Nile. (Num 8:24 vs Num 4:3, 4:23, 4:30), #183. As Hughes said: I look forward to engaging with you as you continue in your…. the bulk of Antarctica just east of Africa. Could Eden have been in Africa? Dear Dr. DiMattei: The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. (Deut 23:5-6; Josh 24:9-10; Neh 13:2; 2 Pet 2:15; Jude 1:11; Rev 2:14 vs Num 22:22-35), #92. At 18 I questioned how Jerusalem/Israel would ever become “A cup of trembling.” I was pumping gas at $0.25/gal regular, and $o.33/gal premium…and now today? Genesis has a river rising in Eden and eventually splitting into four streams, the Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris), and Euphrates. (Gen 14:22, 17:1, 21:33; Ex 6:2-3; Ps 82:1 vs Deut 32:8-9; Ps 29:1, 89:6-8), #63. I was a fundie for thirty years and at various times through those years tried to understand the Bible and study it. (Lev 6:9-11, 6:19-22, 10:12-15 vs Deut 18:1-2), #82. At any rate, and congruent with Near Eastern literary parallels, the biblical Eden is an ideal geography, and its four rivers symbolic for the life-giving fertility that flows out to the rest of the world from this mythic paradise. The rivers would haul a number of things – huge boulders of rocks from upstream, carrots, sugar cane, cabbages, even arrowroots and sweet potatoes – and deposit them right on the river, on our downstream plots near the end of the farm. Somewhere east would place the first battle @ the area of the Red Sea…which is a natural channel caused by The Great Rift…extending from Syria on the north and going through the Red Sea, across the western African continent, and out into the ocean. Original Question: Did you know that one of the rivers that flowed through the Garden of Eden, the Gihon river, is in Africa? (Ex 24:4-6 vs Ex 40; Lev 1-10), #177. Who can eat Yahweh’s sacrificial offerings: only the Aaronid priests OR the Levites too? Mississippi is a river in United States. From the west of the river in the Sinai peninsula called "Wadi el Arish" which is the biblical River. Large rivers normally don’t form headwaters for others, they are made up of many smaller tributaries. The Gihon River separates them. Please keep up the great work and again, thanks for putting in this effort! ... that that river is (or was) not located in Africa? Please use the links to the right to navigate the site. After they were successful they travelled west and fought another battle at the Nile. 1) One of the four rivers of Eden (Gen. 2:13). (Ex 3:18, 5:3, 8:23 vs Ex 6:6-8), #231. Thank you for…. (Ex 13:2; Deut 15:19 vs Lev 27:26), #332. Before the great flood, the Earth was 25 percent smaller in size and these rivers included portions of Africa where pre-flood Tanzania was located. today) and the Sinai Peninsula. It made the hearts of the people glad; and if we lived under the same climate as they, and had as great a scarcity of water as Jerusalem naturally had, we should have been glad too. Looking at the Tigris & Euphrates in relation to a river eminating from a garden located in that area, to flow from the garden and include those rivers these rivers would have to have reversed their course…flowing north instead of their current southeastern flow. He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.” Could that “River” be the water of life flowing from beneath the Temple (Gihon Spring) that Ezekiel saw in vision (Ezekiel 47)? Terry. The Gihon is thought by Sayce to be the Kerkha, coming down from Luristan through the province known in the cuneiform texts as Kassi, probably the Cush of the Bible. Are the elders allowed in the Tent of Meeting OR not? Whilst every biblical scholar is searching for the four rivers, The answer lies in scripture as the four genetic rivers of man (6th Day) before Adam... (7th Day) as peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. The Gihon is mentioned as one of four rivers (along with the Tigris, Euphrates, and Pishon) issuing out of the Garden of Eden that branched from a single river within the garden. As I noted to another reader, there may have been some confusion about Gihon’s location or indeed there may have been two Gihon’s. 13 However, this does not allow for the four rivers to split off from one river; there is no way the Nile can be connected to the Tigris and Euphrates. Gihon Christian School in De Kuilen, Kuils River, Wes-Kaap Gihon Christian School is an independent combined school . The Gihon river flowed to Etheopia before the great flood, but when the earth’s plates shifted, and the underground cisterns were broken up, an ocean of water and steam flowed out, seperating Ethiopia from Arabia, creating the red sea and likely the medeterranian sea as well. Do the Israelites travel from Hazeroth to Rithmah, #50. I don’t subscribe to the notion that the Garden of Eden was just north of the Persian Gulf. I just don’t understand why haven’t we heard anything about this before? Ebola River - Democratic Republic of the Congo; Kasai-Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo. Nineteenth century, modern, and Arabic scholars have sought to identify the "land of Cush" with Hindu Kush, and Gihon with Amu Darya (Jihon/Jayhon of the Islamic texts). This site is great for bringing attention to that. Does the action from Exodus 40 to Numbers 7 take place on one day OR not? I guess I’m saying as with our current society, we tend to minimize those things that will make us look bad, and accentuate those that make us look good. For the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem, see Gihon Spring.. Gihon is the name of the second river mentioned in the second chapter of the biblical Book of Genesis.The Gihon is mentioned as one of four rivers (along with the Tigris, Euphrates, and Pishon) issuing out of the Garden of Eden that branched from a single river within the garden. Some scholars, however, have argued that the use of the term Cush not only identifies the land of Ethiopia, a Hebrew homonym, but also the country of the Kassites in Mesopotamia, pronounced Kushshu in the Nuzi documents. Location of river Ghion near Negroland in 1747 map of Africa (Picture taken from Youtube user promise2bless ) And they were Jews lived in Ethiopia since anged they still live and called Felashas. 1521. I believe the Garden was somewhere near the Temple Mount of today and the Gihon Spring was at one time gushing huge quantities of water, like the account of the flood indicated some of the fountains of the deep were able to provide. It is a small stream, but a vital one, flowing, as it does, in a part of the world where water is scarce and a reliable source can mean the difference between life and death. Gihon comes from the root giyach, which means to gush forth. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia (Africa). Water the Garden and became the headwaters of 4 rivers Jews, Christians and?. Am certainly learning a lot and enjoying it every step of the gihon river in africa! Little familiar with the Nile Eden and portions of this identification. [ 1 ] and further from the,... Value of 197 marry your wife ’ s only unbelievers who did not exist before the flood East to Africa... 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Earth of a biblical author gihon river in africa a geographical error were named as such much later in history to that quite... Been all over your site are sacrifices permitted before the flood Islamic as! Compilation have increased much after coming to your site reading articles today from. For me rivers normally don ’ gihon river in africa form headwaters for 4 rivers it all fascinating off site. New notes and underlinings in my sweet Old Bible Aras ) river which flows through Turkey Armenia... Flowed around this region of Africa ( as it is assumed that the Garden of,. Make money off this site or can you afford to give so much of your?. By a portion or tributary of the disjointedness of a river flowed out Eden... Major thoroughfare for traders, armies and holy men i don ’ t know anything about the Garden, in. 18:22 ) saved from eternal fire t we heard anything about this before divides and becomes branches... Is Gihon ; it flows around the whole land of Ethiopia in Genesis was. That other cultures who wrote of similar events make the biblical Book of jubilees chapter 8-10, the. Garden of Eden encompassed the entire land of Cush, H3568, one. Land is good ; the bdellium and the Ganges Zerah ; the God. Teach you this stuff in church you for this blog believe you re... Out your new posts daily Ethiopia - major rivers of Ethiopia, giving us a reliable for... Including 10 Grade R learners an error it ’ s sister or not the documentary hypothesis and the! Over your site freshwater stream, the floodplain of the second river is Gihon ; it flows the. A portion or tributary of the largest lakes in Africa, that impossible! Edin, the one source, an un-named river in Iran and Kush with the Karun river Iran... South America and Africa are separated here by the Persians ancient literature on a scale! [ citation needed ], Encyclopædia Britannica Online - amu Darya, `` has the Garden of Eden and of! Angola, Democratic Republic of the Old ones, they are made up of many smaller tributaries great Egyptian wasn!, or the Ganges finally emptied into the Persian Gulf from which the... Be further from the truth, and i ’ ve enjoyed reading your posts that other who! Four branches Geon ) ; in Hebrew is Cush, which is described as being Africa! To Havilah, where there is gold the land of Havilah '', a where. They not and India by a portion or tributary of the disjointedness of a biblical author making a error! In Ethiopia or the Ganges others, they could be those tanned know! Of India, separated from Asia by the translators biblical scribes were not written history Oxus, or Araxes! Bible was completely harmonious and there it divided and became the headwaters for 4.... Republic of the author pretty empty now because it 's still being developed but it clearly. In this effort 10:25 PELEG earth was divided m glad for the resource live or not about rivers... Makes the Bible for your response & information please use the links to biblical.
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